Monday, April 28, 2008

This is why we don't plant in April.....

Today, Lorie and I are completely exhausted! This weekend was very eventful-- first we had Lorie's daughter's Prom. She was beautiful, and we should definitely provide an updated picture. That photo was taken at the house of a member of her prom party. (just so you don't think that we live in that lap of luxury!) She reported that she had a fabulous time!

Then, yesterday, Lorie and Melanie got down to business and finished their square foot garden structure. They are both completely wiped out today because all the hard labor. You would think that such a small structure would be easy to build, but acquiring all the materials was the tough part. Melanie lugged so many packets of dirt, peat, and vermiculite home, that her back is screaming! ---But-- as you can see-- the effort was well worth it!

Of course, this is very exciting! Tomorrow, I'm going to start putting in some of the cold weather seeds and crops-- well, maybe not the crops yet, but definitely some of the seeds that need a cold start. We are still four weeks away from final frost, and the growing season is pretty short. We'll have to move quickly! The first 4' x 8' plot will be for Melanie's use-- she has a plan established, and she'll show you that tomorrow. Lorie thinks that she might try her had at some corn. She is telling Melanie that there is NOTHING in the world like sweet corn picked directly off the vine. We'll provide a full report (assuming that the squirrels and racoons don't get all the corn!) in August or September. Now-- here's the depressing part. JUST when we think that Spring has Sprung, and everyone is ready to get going for the season-- we wake up to THIS!!!! What is the meaning of this!? Who ordered this? You may not be able to tell, but it still is snowing in that picture, too. We heard this morning that we're getting an inch. Yuck. At least I didn't throw any of my seedlings/crops in the garden yet. I guess it still is April in Wisconsin.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Promzilla attacks!

Alright- maybe "Promzilla" isn't a fair title, but it sounds so cute! Lorie's daughter has her final high school formal dance this evening, and it's her Senior Prom. She has very cold weather to contend with-- it suddenly dropped from highs in the mid-70s to a high of 42 degrees today. There's also a chance of snow showers! Poor thing, but at least the dance won't be too warm. The main reason for this post is to show you how beautiful Lorie's daughter is- I mean--it's no surprise! She's got some good genes going in her favor, right? So amazing to think that Lorie's litle girl is going to graduate from high school soon and start college. Melanie was going through some pictures and found another picture of her dressed up -- standing in the same spot. So cute! Now that Melanie and Lorie are all verklempt, it's time for Lorie's little girl to ready for the Prom. She has appointments for hair up-dos and nails and makeup and photos and food and putting on the huge (or as she calls it, "poofy") dress and...... Wish us luck-- the legendary Promzilla is officially on the loose! ****Note: I'm sure Lorie's daughter would like all to know that the prom dress picture is only a dress picture. It does not include hair, makeup, nails, shoes, etc.... this was only a forced dress try-on for pictures. End note. ****

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's been awhile!- nothing to report

Well, there's not too much to report in Melanie and Lorie land. No news is good news, right? The animals are still getting along. The winter has moved into spring. Lorie and Melanie are still working at the same places... blah blah blah. It is now Passover, so there was a seder hosted at our house. Unfortuantely, we forgot to take really nice pictures, but we'll show you one from last year. This was from a smaller seder that we did, but it was still very nice. On Sunday night, Lorie and I went to a congregational seder up north. It wasn't our own congregation, but it was still very nice.
Yesterday, Melanie cleaned out all her fat clothes. This was quite an accomplishment! She threw away about three large bags, and two bags are headed over to the resale shop. Hopefully, she's make enough money to buy a few pairs of cute Eddie Bauer jeans! Finally, Lorie and Melanie are getting ready to plant their square foot garden! Melanie's birthday is coming up fast, and she's asked a friend to help her assemble the garden. Once the raised bed is complete, she can get her seeds in or plant the four flats of young veggies that she bought from the greenhouse. We'll have some great pictures, I'm sure.