Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mucus and Music

Nice blog title, eh? It's sad when you sit back and try to think of something exciting that you've done lately... and then you hear the crickets..... yep. Not much going on here. Lorie and Melanie both had a cold, and it's not just a little cold. It's a "knock your socks off, wanna crawl in bed and stay there" kind of cold. Hopefully, this will pass soon.

Music. This is a good thing. If you're a loyal blog reader, you know that Lorie has been taking banjo lessons. Well, Melanie has now decided to join her in music lessons. She is going to be starting guitar lessons. She's already taken lessons as a child, so she knows a bit about how to play. No, we're not forming a bluegrass band. Melanie is hoping to work on her songleading skills. Well, maybe we could have a bluegrass band, too-- we just have to convince Lorie's daughter to dust off her fiddle. Now THAT would be fun!