Sunday, March 8, 2009

Purim Pigs and Plants

Today was the annual Purim Carnival up in Wausau. For those of you that aren't Jewish, Purim is a Jewish Holiday that celebrates the failure of Haman's plot to destroy the Jews. (Scroll of Esther) Everyone is supposed to be in costume and drink a LOT! Many were in costume, but there was no drinking. (this is a family event folks!) Melanie was lucky enough to win first place in the adult costume division. She went as a pig (already ironic at a Jewish Temple, no?) in lipstick with a "Miss Alaska" sash on... can you guess who she was? (Hint: I got all "Maverick-y"

Also, here's a HINT of Spring... typically, when Purim rolls around, we know that it's time for the spring thaw. One would never know this by looking out the window (we have a winter storm warning right now...), but we do have a hint of spring to show to you---- SEEDLINGS!!!!!!

We're amazed at how well the grow lights are working. Lorie had a brilliant idea to install this lighting system in our spare bedroom. This will save a LOT of money because we can now start everything from seed. Melanie practices a form of gardening called "Square Foot Gardening", and for those of you that don't know about it, you should learn it! It's amazing! It's very little work, and the crop yield is fantastic. You'll certainly get more pictures as the sprouts develop and reach to the sky! Spring has Sprung!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all... L O V E the look, Dahhhling! LOL! You went to temple in that getup? Perfect! Only right that you should win, no?

I'm so jealous of your seedlings. I'm not even sure I'm going to garden this year, last year was such a flop for us. Very disheartening. On the other hand, if I can grow some produce, at least there will be *something* I can afford to feed these monsters!

Take good care and keep blogging.