Monday, July 25, 2011

What are those kids up to now?

When the kids were growing up I always wondered what they'd be like when they were in college- when they were out of college...I waited and watched as each year passed. How far they came from diapers, Sesame Street, and Little Tyke Toys! I never realized that I was growing too! (although I was the kid that never grew up according to my folks) I see my own kids now in the same period of time I somehow froze myself in. In some ways I look to them for advice on today's world. They took over where I wanted to leave off. Traveling, studying, working, and having a good time or two along the way.

Enter the oldest: Andrew born in the mid-80s. Where is he today?...he's doing that part of having a good time. Andrew loves to travel. From the top of the Matterhorn in Switzerland, to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, to the place where Andrew came to be (Poland). Andy is in Cancun, Mexico observing resort life and hot sand-- with all inclusive food and drink! He has earned this vacation since his promotion to Network Engineer in the banking world. No Engineer's vacation would be complete without some technology, so we will get to see Andy in the sand with, no doubt, a Cuban cigar and a complimentary drink(s). Andy will be able to say (quoting Sarah Palin)"I can see Cuba from my house!"

Jessie (enter as the little sister) is studying and working this summer. The travel bug already sent her to Poland and Israel. This summer she has come a long way in nursing. She prepares for her state boards in the empty corners of the university library. She has experienced clinicals in some intense areas. It has been amazing to watch this sensitive young lady grow in compassion along the way. Her humor is her survival. Only Jessie could encounter a social world from the other side as "spirits" visit her patients in the nursing home where she works! It's a right of passage after having worked in the same nursing home for 7 years. It helps that her Great Grandma Nellie from Poland drops in for a visit from time to time (she's been dead since 1976) and her late Great Aunt Lynn watches over her as well. It's our family culture to acknowledge the activity of the spirit world. The legacy of our gypsy heritage also gives her a proclivity to the psychic world through Tarot.
As my gypsy grandpa PJ would say: "My wealth is in my children." (He had 12) Everyday I am always entertained by the roads my kids travel- sometimes even by the "gutters they fall in."

Maybe they too will decide, like me, to "never grow up."

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