Monday, June 16, 2008

June is busting out all over!

Okay--- so the musical, "Carousel", isn't a favorite, but the song title from the show definitely refelcts how we feel about our yard! As promised, here's a brief tour of the back with special focus on peonies!

In another few days, all of our peony plants should be in full bloom! We were probably most excited about our peony tree this year. (see blog post several posts down) The yard is finally taking shape for how we dreamed it could be! Eventually, (next year?) we'll be able to put down some stepping stones for form a nice path through the yard that leads to the fire pit, and then we can mulch or put stones on the rest. It'd be so nice to not have to mow grass in the backyard. The front yard has taken shape nicely. Here's the small piece of landscaping that we did in front.

Melanie also attended an event at the Stevens Point Temple. Temple Beth Israel was officially entered into the National Registry of Historical Places. It's the third oldest Temple in Wisconsin, and it has the oldest original sanctuary in the whole state. Lots of history! Unfortunately, the community scattered and disbanded in 1989. Guess it's hard to hold services when you can't get a minyan togther. The inside was nice, and it was sad to think about the community that could have been so close to where we live! For now, we continue to drive over 100 miles for our community.

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