Sunday, June 1, 2008

So long since the last blog-- look at the garden!

Sometimes life gets so busy that one can't even find time to write about it... that's where Lorie and Melanie have been for the last month. Spring sprung. There were graduations to attend. Square Foot Gardens to build. Seeds to sow. Beds to dig. Plants to plant. It's been busy..... but look at the progress of the garden since you've last seen it--- One to the most beautiful new additions to the front yard is a peony tree. We've never heard of a peony tree before. Melanie's mother gave it to us about one year ago. It was one of the last things-- if not the last thing-- she gave us before she passed away. It was neglected last year, but once it was planted, it started to come back to life. This year, once the winter covering was lifted from it, it sprouted quite quickly! It should eventually grow to be about four or five feet high and about four feet wide. The color was a surprise, and we were quite thrilled when it opened up pink. And-- the last big event lately was the graduation of Lorie's daughter! The graduation ceremony was long but lovely. The graduate was beautiful and nervous, but everything went perfectly! A BIG congratuations to the Class of 2008!!!


Gail C said...

Beautiful! The garden, the peonies and the happy graduate! Congratulations on all!

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Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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