Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's Summertime...and the Livin' is easy.....

Well, again we've neglected the blog. You'll see why shortly. It's been a very busy spring, and we've expanded the yard. Melanie thinks that we'll have to move pretty soon because we've entirely run out of yard. Lorie has planted a garden in the FRONT yard consisting of a strawberry and raspberry patch. The backyard continues to be a jungle. Melanie has her 2, 8'x4' square foot garden plots. This year there's brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, beets, carrots, leeks, onions, parsley, mint, chives, thyme, basil, peas, beans, cauliflower, peppers of many varieties, eggplant, radishes and probably other things that Melanie has forgotten. We also have a patio tomato plant and two, topsy-turvy tomato planters with upside down cherry and early girl tomato plants. Another addition was the corn! We dug up yet another section of yard for the corn "patch". There's also pumpkins in the backyard- one promises to be over 100 pounds! The backyard is a little more groomed. There's lots of vines, LOTS of bird feeders/houses and some beautiful perennial gardens. Lorie has really worked hard to get everything looking wonderful back there! You could definitely pick our yard out in the neighborhood. Our neighbors have very plain, grass filled yards and then BOOM!-- there's this strange house that looks like a jungle! Lorie's son said that he needed a safari hat just to find his way back to the fire pit.

As the garden continues to green up and develop wonderful summer colors, we'll introduce you to other areas. Also, we'll soon be eating from the garden! (tonight, we had baked potato with sour cream and chives grown in our very own garden! It was the first official harvest of the year) Lorie wanted me to add that she's looking forward to harvesting the hops. Yes, we grow our own hops! Our hops is even used in a local home-brewer's recipe-- he even includes a "shout out" to us on the label of the beer bottle by saying "Now featuring locally grown hops!" How fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting! Miss "seeing" you around, Melanie. Hope all is well (besides the beautiful yard, which clearly is in GREAT shape!)
