Sunday, March 7, 2010

A new perspective...

To begin again. This time a different perspective. Mine. Mel is going to focus her blogging on our new site about freezer foods. Sounds simple? It's a lifestyle that pays back in time and delicious meals when you're on the fly. So, you've got me now. Here goes to our future together!

Starting with the most recent, Mel and I attended a small event which was quite moving on Friday night. Our little town has a historical landmark that was a shul. No, not a school. A small house of prayer for local Jews. Not as grand as big city temples, this little rural synagogue last had services in the 1980's. Friday night it was once again full of prayer and song. The gathering of a few original members who were children back then along with members of Mount Sinai in Wausau made this event happen. It was moving to see the now older children kiss the mezzuzah on the shul's door. The door that they opened when they attended Hebrew classes or celebrated their bar mitzvah's, now years and years later opens the door of their memories. Moved to tears, they hear the same Hebrew prayers once again. I had the honor of taking the Torah among the members during the service. It marks a few changes to contrast with a different past. Back then a woman would not do this. As I walked with the Torah in my arms, I saw the faces of those who reverently touched the Torah with their prayerbook and then mindfully kiss their siddur (prayerbook.) It was almost as if I could see the faces of those who made the shul come alive so many years ago. Our cantor, our very own Melanie, led us through some fitting Hebrew melodies. Rabbi Dan, a rebbe tonight, read the parashat for the first time facing the ark, not facing the congregation as is done now. A change that we could only reflect on by seeing the rabbi's back as he read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, so nice to see an update! That service (probably the wrong word - sorry!) sounds moving indeed. I am glad you both were able to be a big part of it. I like your writing style, Lorie. Hope to see more of it in the future!